Meet our Pastor!

Hi, my name is Nick Buchholz, and I’m the pastor of St. John and Trinity Lutheran Churches in Suring. My beautiful wife Samantha and I have been married for almost 15 years, and have four awesome kids! I’ve been in ministry for over 10 years and have had the opportunity to serve in both suburban and rural church settings. I was also blessed with the opportunity to attend a Lutheran school growing up, as such Lutheran education here St. John is close to my heart.
Another aspect of ministry I truly enjoy is premarital and marriage counseling. As I’ve learned and grown in my own marriage and walked alongside other couples in theirs, I have found there is much that we either take for granted or simply don’t realize we could be doing to make our marriages stronger. I firmly believe that amongst the many great blessings God offers to us in His Word – not least of which is salvation by grace through faith in Christ – the Biblical principles of marriage and life as His children as they are applied in marriage and with our children may be some of the most important gifts God offers to His creation.
Pastor Nick Buchholz
When I’m not doing pastor stuff like preaching, teaching, preparing for those, or visiting members, just to name a few, I obviously love hanging out with my kids. My wife and I were avid movie goers before having kids made that a bit more difficult, but we like to get out and take in a children’s movie in theaters every so often with our older kids. We also stream plenty of movies and shows, which is how the two of us tend to unwind from work and life.
If there are aspects of life that have you down or looking for God’s counsel on matters of life and faith, if you’ve got questions about how the church works, or want to know more about our church and how to get involved, feel free to contact me, I’m always up for conversation. God’s Blessing’s on your day!
-Pastor Nick Buchholz