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Writer's pictureChurch Office

Emmanuel & The Other Names of Christ

December 2024

Wednesday evenings at 7pm during this Advent season, we prepare for the birth of our

Savior by focusing on the names of Christ from Isaiah 9:6, “And His name shall be

called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” We will

explore what each of these names say about Christ, the Word made flesh, Who made His

dwelling among us (John 1:14).

Yet Christ is referred to by so many names and titles, we don’t even need to leave

Isaiah’s prophecies to look to another name of great significance that we remember well

due to our annual singing of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” John’s words earlier echo

the attitude Isaiah 7:14 quoted in Mattew 1:23, “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).”

“God with us” conveys the beautiful reality of God coming to His creation, God dwelling

with His people, and God abiding amongst them. It may not fully convey the fleshy

nature of the incarnation (enfleshment/embodiment) that only the Gospels themselves

can convey about the God-man Jesus Christ. While this reality comes chiefly through

God’s written Word, it is also a natural responsibility given to us as God’s people. When

we live as Christians bearing the name of Christ, we embody Christian virtue and model

what it means to be the people of God. When we act as the people of God to our

neighbors, we live out the phrase “being the hands and feet of God.”

While the very real hands and feet of the incarnate God were nailed to the cross for our

sakes to shed His blood to pay for our sins and raise us to new life, it is in that new life

that God reaches through you to your neighbor. God is with us in Word and Sacrament,

and with us as we join together as the body of Christ in worship. Just as Christ reminds us

that “where two or three are gathered in my name I am there with them,” even so the

hymn wonderfully reminds us, “were we but two His name to tell, yet He would deign

with us to dwell.” Christ promises to be with us “to the very end of the age.” He does so

corporately in His church and intimately in the lives of His gathered people that through

both He would reach out to gather many more to be with Him in paradise.

God’s blessings on your Advent preparations,

Pastor Nick

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